Jamie Wilcox
Data Scientist
About Me
Knitpicker: An app that predicts the difficulty of knitting patterns
I use a weighted linear regression model to predict the difficulty of knitting patterns, and feature importance to help users interpret the prediction.
Brain Hacks: A course on rational thinking for high schoolers
Can you trust what you see on the news? How reliable are your memories? How do scientists sift through the data to differentiate fact from fiction? Our brains trick us every day, presenting feelings as facts and making us think we know and remember things that we actually don't.
I designed a course to teach high schoolers how to be skeptical of their own minds, and the information they absorb. Students learned about the tools that scientists use to design experiments and make logical deductions, and that the "facts" we see all around us aren't always as reliable as they seem.
Mystery Tubes
These devices behave in strange and surprising ways! I put my own spin on a classic classroom puzzle to teach troubleshooting and the scientific method.